The 2024 Hudson River Valley Ramble will occur on August 31st and every day in September. Event leaders will be able to submit events in Spring. If you have questions about hosting an event for the Ramble, please email
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Battle of Freeman’s Farm Walking Tour
Saratoga National Historical Park Battlefield Tour Road Stop 6
Freeman's Farm
Stillwater, NY, NY 12170
County: Saratoga
Region: Upper Hudson
- September 19, 2023, 1:00PM
Event Type Historic Site Tour/History Description Join Park Ranger Eric Schnitzer as he gives a guided tour of Freeman's Farm, the place where most of the first battle of Saratoga was fought on September 19, 1777. The battle - one of the longest land battles of the eight-year-long war - was a terrible fight over farm fields and woods and ended up costing the lives of hundreds of men and boys, most of whom are still buried in unmarked graves near where they fell. No sign-up required; those interested should meet at the Freeman Farm parking lot (stop 6); the tour will last for about one hour. Organization Hosting the Event National Park Service Phone Number (518)670-2980Additional Information
Event Duration (hours): 1
Barrier Free or Wheelchar accessible? N/A